
Showing posts from May, 2006

Mother's Day Message 2006/Letters/Cards/Notes

This was the message I got from G last May 14: Dearest Mahal, Happy Mother's Day! I know I am in no position to make it any happier than it is, because there is no means by which we could celebrate it. I do not even have a card for you since the orientation of my mind is to pay off the card- - so we can continue to use it. I am not writing this only because of the aspect of motherhood, but I have intended to also express the good and very happy life that we have built, despite the financial difficulties we have gone through, and continue to experience; time and again. As a mother, you have proven your worth beyond the children's expectations. While there maybe inadequacies you believe you have failed to fulfill, these have become non-issues as they grew up because of the unfolding of events that reflect the deep seated causes for the failure itself. Where it matters in their lives today, you have provided the genuine support and sincere understanding of their shortcomings as ch