Adrenal Burnout

My illness IgA nephropathy which I discovered in 2002 started somewhat like adrenal burnout.

"Thousands of people suffer from constant fatigue, unrelieved by rest and sleep. This is the main symptom of adrenal burnout syndrome. Other symptoms may include a craving for sweets, low blood pressure and blood sugar, irritability and depression. Low energy impairs every system of the body.

Secondary symptoms range from impaired digestion to infections. Toxic emotions accumulate with adrenal burnout. The world looks bad, people are evil, and a hopeless attitude is not uncommon".

Adrenal burnout is always a wake up call. Some area of life is out of alignment. For a deeper exploration of self, it is often the starting point. Rather than just existing as a programmed zombie, adrenal burnout may be the beginning of real living.

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