Detoxify by sweating

"Our methods of eliminating toxins in the body are few. We are limited to the feces, the urine, perspiration and respiration. When the liver, kidneys and lungs have been damaged by chronic exposure to environmental toxins our ability to rid our bodies of toxins becomes severely limited. Through various methods we can cleanse the liver and kidneys, which will help address future toxins, but we are still left with the fat-stored (lipophilic) toxins and heavy metals stored in connective tissue and the brain.

Today, studies show that most of us have between 400 and 800 chemical residues stored in the fat cells of our bodies. These chemicals and heavy metals make up the "total toxic burden." When our bodies exceed the limit that we can excrete, we begin to store these toxins. This bio-accumulation seriously compromises our physiological and psychological health and leads to chronic disease. Perspiration is recognized by health practitioners worldwide as perhaps the most effective method of removing both difficult chemical and heavy metal toxins from the body. The combination of "resonant absorption" and low heat makes this the detox method of choice for chronically ill patients as well as those that are well and wish to stay that way by reducing their toxic burden.

Perspiration comes from small sweat glands. These are small organs located in the skin. Due to certain stimuli, nervous or humoral they will secrete sweat which in turn helps with thermal regulation. There are two main types of sweat glands eccrine glands and apocrine glands. The eccrine glands are controlled by the sympathetic chain.

As part of the physiological regulation of body temperature, the skin will begin to sweat almost precisely at 37°C and the perspiration will increase rapidly with increasing skin temperature. A man of average weight throws off through the skin during 24 hours about 18 ounces of water, 300 grains of solid matter, and 400 grains of carbonic acid gas. Ordinarily, this constant exhalation is not apparent, and the excretion is then termed insensible perspiration.

The cooling effect of perspiration evaporation makes use of the very large heat of vaporization of water. This heat of vaporization is 540 calories/gm at the boiling point, but is even larger, 580 cal/gm, at the normal skin temperature. Even when one is unaware of perspiration, physiology texts quote an amount of about 600 grams per day of "insensate loss" of moisture from the skin. Guyton reports that a normal maximum perspiration rate is about 1.5 liters/hour, but that after 4 to 6 weeks of acclimatization in a tropical climate, it can reach 3.5 liters/hr! You would have to just sit around drinking constantly, just to keep from getting dehydrated! That maximum rate corresponds to a maximum cooling power of almost 2.4 kilowatts".

A more comprehensive study of sweating and its implication to our health is found here.

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