Happy Heart Healthy You

British doctor Dr Andrew Steptoe from the University College London reveals in his study that
people who are on upbeat moods had lower levels of the stress hormone called cortisol. Cortisol contributes to the development of blood pressure in elevated levels. It can also cause lower immune function, and abdominal obesity.

In his study which was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, states that positive emotions helped lessen chronic inflammation in the body (caused by 2 proteins called C reactive and interleukin). It is widely believed that on and off body system inflammation contribute in the long term to heart disease or cancer among others.

"Researchers have long noted that happier people tend to be in better health than those who are persistently stressed, hostile or pessimistic."

"The current findings according to Dr Steptoe is that positive emotions are associated with biological responses that" promote good health.

Dr. Steptoe's recommendation, "we need to help people to recognize the things that make them feel good and truly satisfied with their lives, so that they can have more time doing these things".

Let our mantra be, 'uuhmm noooo stress, uuhmm noooo stress. Uuhmm I am happy, uuhmm I am happy:-)

Thanks to --> cartoons

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