
Showing posts from September, 2012


Could be many things to a whole lot of  different people.. depends on where they  are coming from.. How about you? What makes you happy?


Help can come in so many ways. It doesn't have to be money..

Universe make my skin healthy again

When I got hypertensive in 2003 and started taking this HB meds, I noticed that whiteheads began growing on my face.. well, I did not exactly have a creamy, silk skin back then.. let's  say my  skin was just alright. So back to the whiteheads, I thought those tiny and pearly white mounds on my face were unsightly.  I should know I used to market dermatologist prepared and tested skin care products. Those products did miracles for my so-so skin making it  radiant,  supple and  young looking. The thing with facial skin is to to reduce pore size.. good skin means no obvious skin pores. And today at my age :-) I didn't expect whiteheads. Wrinkles, yes, but not these skin kind of imperfections. So what are e whiteheads? "Whiteheads are pimples that are filled with pus and this is what gives them their name. Like most acne, whiteheads are formed when excess oil from the sebaceous glands clogs up the pores or hair follicles on the skin. This sebum gets trapped along with ot


Life is not a whimper.. it must not be lived like a  long , painful cry..