
Showing posts with the label credit card

Have A Financial Emergency?

One of the many ways that helped me survive my financial crisis was using a credit card. It is true. Before you say another word hear out my story. My children where at a growing-up stage then. Yes they were already in school. The usual scenario was one day, I’d be in the office working and they’d call. They need something for a school assignment or project, and so if I could just please go to the bookstore to get it. Other days, they unexpectedly become ill, that surely required a trip to the pharmacy for medications. It was definitely a time when emergencies were frequent. Consequently, those emergencies proved to unnecessarily stress me. It was time to secure an emergency credit facility. And so the story goes and leads me to my boss who was suggesting that I sign up his credit card company. I was a card newbie. Obviously, I didn’t know what type of card I needed. Indulging me over lunch, one time, she helpfully gave me some tips to help me choose the card for my par