
Showing posts with the label sweat to detoxify the body

Detoxify by sweating

"Our methods of eliminating toxins in the body are few. We are limited to the feces, the urine, perspiration and respiration. When the liver, kidneys and lungs have been damaged by chronic exposure to environmental toxins our ability to rid our bodies of toxins becomes severely limited. Through various methods we can cleanse the liver and kidneys, which will help address future toxins, but we are still left with the fat-stored (lipophilic) toxins and heavy metals stored in connective tissue and the brain. Today, studies show that most of us have between 400 and 800 chemical residues stored in the fat cells of our bodies. These chemicals and heavy metals make up the "total toxic burden." When our bodies exceed the limit that we can excrete, we begin to store these toxins. This bio-accumulation seriously compromises our physiological and psychological health and leads to chronic disease. Perspiration is recognized by health practitioners worldwide as perhaps the most eff