
Adrenal Burnout Symptoms

What Some Studies Say about the Symptoms of Adrenal Burnout Low blood sugar and allergies result from low levels of cortisol. Joint and muscle pain are other common symptoms. Multiple chemical sensitivities is an extreme allergic condition associated with adrenal burnout. Low blood pressure and low body temperature may also result. Later blood pressure rises as toxic substances build up in the arteries and kidneys. Elevated copper and low zinc related to adrenal burnout impair the immune system. Chronic infections may develop. The stage is also set for the development of degenerative conditions. Cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases are end-stage results of toxic accumulation and energy depletion. Often secondary to adrenal exhaustion are glandular imbalances, hyperthyroidism and more often hypothyroidism. The adrenal glands produce oestrogen and progesterone. They are the main source of these hormones after menopause. Premenstrual syndrome and hot flashes often

TAI CHI a healthy form of exercise

If I had my way, I would take up Tai Chi . From what I read it is something that could very well enhance my journey towards complete healing. "Tai chi is a Chinese martial art that is primarily practiced for its health benefits, including a means for dealing with tension and stress. Among the martial arts, there are two basic types: the "hard" martial arts and the "soft" martial arts. The latter are also called internal arts. Examples of the hard martial arts are karate and kung fu (or wushu). Examples of the soft martial arts are ba gua and tai chi. Tai chi emphasizes complete relaxation, and is essentially a form of meditation , or what has been called "meditation in motion." Unlike the hard martial arts, tai chi is characterized by soft, slow, flowing movements that emphasize force, rather than brute strength. Though it is soft, slow, and flowing, the movements are executed precisely". Cheers!

Stressed? TM your way towards wellness

Transcendental Meditation is I think is also one way of relieving stress. I am a beginner in this practice which they also call the practice of "restful alertness" "Transcendental meditation uses a "mantra"--a word or phrase which is repeated throughout the duration of the meditation--to focus oneself on that one word or phrase, thereby allowing all random throughts to be released. To begin, prepare yourself as you would doing any of the other meditations listed here, then find a mantra which feels good to you (you should be able to find many of these if you do a little searching) and repeat it either aloud or silently for whatever period of time feels comfortable to you. The following are two well-known mantras which you may care to experiment with: * "ON-NAMA SHIVA YA" (OHN NAH MA SHE VAH YAH) * "OM MANI PADME UM" (OHM MAH NEE PAHD MEH UM) Of course because these are traditional they are not English mantras, so yo

Healing thru Vizualization

" Visualization can be used to achieve a variety of results. One simple visualization for general well-being and stress-reduction is to first quiet yourself and begin as you would in general meditation or focused breathing, then visualize yourself inhaling golden or white light/energy, and exhaling gray, stale, old energy. The white or golden light represents new, fresh, rejuvenating energy, while the gray energy represents any stress, unhappiness, worries, anger, or other negative emotions you may be holding inside you. This visualization is a great way to release the stress and tension of the day, and give yourself more energy. If you have a specific ailment you are trying to relieve yourself of, visualize the same white or golden energy surrounding the area of your body which is in need of healing. Focus on that white or golden light/energy healing and energizing that area of your body. Continue focusing this healing energy on the afflicted area of your body for whatever time

Breathe as you must but have some focus

Focused Breathing "Focused breathing is another very popular, yet tremendously simple, meditation. As in general meditation, find a quiet time and place where you won't be disturbed, close your eyes, and clear you mind of any thoughts. From there, focus on your breathing. Focus on the in-breath, and the out-breath. This is also commonly known as conscious breathing, because as opposed to our normal breathing which we do not focus on or attempt to control, "focused breathing" is consciously monitored and controlled. You simply "watch" yourself breath, so to speak, and attempt to bring your breaths to a slow, rhythmic pace (whatever pace feels comfortable to you). By focusing on your breath, you draw your attention to that, and eliminate random thoughts, which creates a feeling of inner peace. To help focus on their breath, people will often draw their attention to the air entering their nostrils, and the air leaving their mouth. You may also wish to draw yo

Adrenal Burnout Syndrome

By Dr. Larry Wilson "Thousands of people suffer from constant fatigue, unrelieved by rest and sleep. This is the main symptom of adrenal burnout syndrome . Other symptoms may include a craving for sweets, low blood pressure and blood sugar, irritability and depression. Low energy impairs every system of the body. Secondary symptoms range from impaired digestion to infections. Toxic emotions accumulate with adrenal burnout. The world looks bad, people are evil, and a hopeless attitude is not uncommon. The condition is also called adrenal hypofunction , adrenal exhaustion or adrenal insufficiency. Unlike fatigue, one’s energy does not return after a good nights rest. Burnout is a more serious derangement of the body’s energy system. The adrenals are the major glands the body uses to respond to stress. Its hormones raise the blood sugar and blood pressure, and promote energy production. Adrenalin (or epinephrine) is used for emergencies. The longer-acting anti-stress adrenal hormon

Adrenal Burnout Causes

What Research Say about the Causes of Adrenal Burnout Excessive stress, an important cause of burnout, can be from many sources. Chemical toxicity and nutritional depletion are among the physical causes. Mental, emotional or spiritual stress may be a major factor. Financial, family or other stress may also contribute to burnout. Any excessive stress can deplete the adrenals, especially when weakened by poor nutrition. Working too much or emotional stress are two common causes. Excessive stimulation, especially for children, is another cause. Fast-paced, high-stress, fear-based lifestyles are a sure prescription for adrenal burnout. Other stressors in cities are noise and electromagnetic pollution. Cell phones, microwave towers and appliances like televisions, microwave ovens and computers give off strong electrical fields. Nutritional Deficiencies are a common cause. When under stress, the need for nutrients is much greater. Carbohydrates, when excessive in the diet, stress the adrena