
Technology's Rewards

Did you know that some products we use like toothpaste, sunscreen, stain resistant clothing, food additives and cosmetics contain nanoparticles that are potentially dangerous to our health? Nanoparticles are atomsized forms of matter resulting from the use of nanotechnology. “Nanotechnology is the engineering of tiny machines — the projected ability to build things from the bottom up personal nanofactories (PNs), using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, highly advanced products. Ultimately, nanotechnology will enable control of matter at the nanometer scale, using mechanochemistry . Shortly after this envisioned molecular machinery is created, it will result in a manufacturing revolution , probably causing severe disruption. It also has serious economic, social, environmental, and military implications ". How small is a nanoparticle? "A nanometer is one billionth of a meter, roughly the width of three or four atoms. The average human hai

Have A Financial Emergency?

One of the many ways that helped me survive my financial crisis was using a credit card. It is true. Before you say another word hear out my story. My children where at a growing-up stage then. Yes they were already in school. The usual scenario was one day, I’d be in the office working and they’d call. They need something for a school assignment or project, and so if I could just please go to the bookstore to get it. Other days, they unexpectedly become ill, that surely required a trip to the pharmacy for medications. It was definitely a time when emergencies were frequent. Consequently, those emergencies proved to unnecessarily stress me. It was time to secure an emergency credit facility. And so the story goes and leads me to my boss who was suggesting that I sign up his credit card company. I was a card newbie. Obviously, I didn’t know what type of card I needed. Indulging me over lunch, one time, she helpfully gave me some tips to help me choose the card for my par

Breaking the news about being broke - snippets of survival

One of the most distressing situations a family could face is to be financially broke. With children's tuition bills, food and household expenses to pay, a negative cash position can bring disaster. Easily. Family members find themselves vulnerable to quick tempers, emotional outbursts and sometimes bouts of depression during times like this. Moments spent instead to find solutions to the problem turn out to be occasions of accusation and finger pointing. Volatile, like a ticking bomb. Many years back my family faced a similar problem. To ease the burden, I decided to tell my children the real score. I thought they were old enough to understand what we were going through. After all, nothing can beat being straightforward. To my mind, this would be the ultimate test for my children's maturity and lessons learned from what I had always tried to teach them: that in times of adversity, it is how you cope with the situation that will define the result that you want. Tellin

Alternative Therapies under Scrutiny

A dilemma such as what is discussed by Dr Wilkes below is something very familiar to me. I am hypertensive. But, I used to also take extra virgin coconut oil (evco) everyday and a lemon drink with honey. I made the decision against my doctor's advice. The first time she gave me my maintenance drug I wasn't on evco yet. Eventually, someone very credible suggested I also take evco. And I did. It was fine. I think I was having the time of my life. I was eating well, perhaps more than I should, confident my evco will be there to standby me. Several check-ups later, I accidentally mentioned to my doc that in fact I was on evco. She was flabbergasted. She reminded me that not enough studies have been conducted on the efficacy of evco for hypertensives. I told her I was feeling better. She insisted that I totally eliminate it from my daily routine. To make a long story short, I reduced my intake from 6 tsps in divided dosage of 2 tsps per meal to just 2 tsps daily. I am not sur

Tell Me Who The Ibanag Is

Can you really know who you are by taking 'personality tests' on the web? During my early web days when blogging was alien to me, I spent my time asking sites to tell me who I am and more.. like what is my french name, what is my karma , am I a sunshiny person, etc :-) Whoa! I believe I have come a long way from that, thank God.

Who Nose your B-day (bidet) ?

Do you know what a nose bidet is? I know bidets’ from those found on the sides of the toilet bowl - usually in large 5 - star hotels and perhaps very big homes. But a nose bidet whaaaaat is that? The first time I heard of a nose bidet was from a friend who does yoga. In one of our conversations recently, she mentioned that a nose bidet can very well help sinusitis sufferers. A nose bidet or a neti pot is used to clean your nose much the same way as a toothbrush to our teeth and gums. It looks like Alladin's Lamp, actually. From Jakarta, my daughter called yesterday, complaining that she’s been breathing And through her nose for 3 straight days because it is totally congested and clogged. She suffers from sinusitis, you see. My research revealed that in India, Ayurvedics and and Yoga practitioners have been using neti pot for thousands of years. "Neti is one of the 6 purification techniques per formed prior to practicing yoga as a way of preparing the body for the yoga

With Might and Main Make Good

Someone sent me this on my email a long time gone but posting it here because this is something I would NEVER want to forget ever. It talks about Karma, a word that needs to be respected and not to fool around with. Karma, the moral law of cause and effect, is used to explain the inequalities and injustice in life, but it also suggests that a person can shape his or her future. Buddhists believe in rebirth and think that each child is endowed with specific talents. These talents are the result of behavior in past lives. Everyone is bound by karma. Without the law of karma, life would have no challenge. And, life is to fulfill dreams and potential within the karmic boundaries. The only way to transcend the law of karma would be to complete all karmic obligation. It is irresponsible not to acknowledge, understand, and work with karmic conditions. As soon as consciousness is raised it is possible to see the original soul choice, and begin functioning from a co-creative persp